Living Without Privilege Makes You Stronger
You should never view your challenges as a disadvantage. Instead, it's important for you to understand that your experience facing and overcoming adversity is actually one of your biggest advantages And I know that because I've seen it myself. Not just as student working my way through school, but years later, before I came to the white house, and I worked as a dean at college. In that role, I encountered students who had every advantage. Their parent paid their full tuition, they lived in beautiful campus dorms, they had every material possessions a college kid could want; cars, computers, spending money. But when some of them got their first bad grade, they just fell apart. They lost it. Because they were ill-equipped to handle their first encounter disappointment or falling short. Life will put many obstacles in your path that are far worse than a bad grade. You'll have unreasonable bosses, and difficult clients and patients. You'll experience illness ...